Archive for anesthetic

guess what? I’m not a robot…

Posted in depression, mental health, mental illness, self harm with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on 01/06/2015 by doyourememberthattime

it has been a bleak weekend

there are reasons


no reasons.


predictably, when I couldn’t decipher my mind

I turned to my scalpel for answers

you know the rest.


perhaps the break made me clumsy



in any case I made a tad too much mess.


with no option, but A&E to stem the blood flow

i wrapped my arm in a towel


mustered as much calm sanity as I could 


my local hospital has undergone quite the transformation

a swanky new uber hospital has sprung up in place of its crumbling victorian predecessor

within its walls the attitudes were more in tune with its origins.


The dr I saw was pleasant, he didn’t say much, but everything he was accompanied by a smile

this disarmed me a little

i wasn’t prepared for him to be a dick

he worked at speed that belied any concern for me

his method could only be described as slap dash

he did administer local anaesthetic

just not enough to actually prevent pain

a small part in the centre of each cut was numbed

the rest, I felt.


he closed the largest (10cm) gash with four stitches

I had cut clear through the fatty tissues

causing the resulting wound to gape alarmingly

obviously, I am not a professional


i have had less serious injuries closed with both internal & external sutures.

this time the dr just yanked together the edges (with some difficulty)

unsurprisingly the stitches had burst 10hrs later.


i didn’t challenge him

i just sat there

apart from wincing when the initial stitch went in

i didn’t say anything at all


i sat there and let him stitch two deep cuts without proper anaesthetic or care.


at the time i just wanted to get home.

later it occurred to me that the way I was treated probably wasn’t ok

i wondered why I didn’t request more local


enquire about his technique.

the only answer I could summon was that I didn’t think I had the right to ask for better

for all my campaigning, 

in that moment my usually vocal defence of my rights was silenced.

it felt that pain relief for me, was a luxury rather than a necessity

the shame is so ingrained.


the voice in my head that tells me I deserve the pain is strong

the part of me that shrieks that I’m worthless

 renders me compliant

content to take whatever semblance of treatment is given.


afterwards, when these thoughts started to emerge

i even questioned my right to question


every day, i fight the thought that I’m nothing

i battle to recreate a life

i push myself to do terrifying things

partly to make me feel like a person who is capable of succeeding


partly to stop this shit happening to other people.


the truth is

no matter how many people I present to


how much they pay me


regardless of how better everyone thinks i am


how many days pass without cutting

it still only takes one bad day


one cruel person

for it all to come crumbling down.